Please contact our Sponsorship Coordinator for any questions regarding sponsorships.

Sponsorship Coordinator Contact

14494 Cortez Blvd.
Brooksville, FL 34614

We want to thank you for your time in consideration of your support for VOICES, Victims of Injustice Crying Out Every Second, and the fight to free young women from human trafficking. VOICES is a ministry of Great Life Church and the only locally based non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to help those that have fallen victim to this heinous crime.

Vendor Terms & Conditions: I agree to set up, stay, and breakdown during specified time and assigned space only. Vendors are responsible for keeping their designated area clean: trash bins provided on site. Great Life Church and surrounding businesses/properties are not responsible for lost, damaged, stolen merchandise, injury or other occurrences. Vendors are expected to abide by all local and federal laws, ordinances and overall public safety. The vendor fee is nonrefundable, under any circumstance as this event will operate, rain or shine. We do not accept applications from sales consultants (i.e. Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Lularoe), Multi Level Marketing businesses, and businesses that resale items that are not unique to their business. After completing the application we will be in contact with you. Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at this event that helps us reach thousands of families in our community every year.


Become a Voices 5K Sponsor

We want to thank you for your time in consideration of your support for VOICES, Voices of Innocence Crying Out Every Second, and the fight to free young women from human trafficking.  VOICES is the only locally based non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to help those that have fallen victim to this heinous crime.

We want to invite you to become a Corporate Champion for the VOICES 5K run! This offering is designed for corporations and local businesses who believe that good corporate citizenship involves supporting charitable endeavors like ours that are here to positively impact not only our community, but the many victims of human trafficking that need rescue. Your partnership and support of our 5K run will prove to be invaluable, as it will set the foundation for establishing the very first safe home in Hernando County.